Test for Rush Fans

Album Covers

If you're a Rush fan like me, then you've spent hours staring at their album covers and reading the lyrics as the world's greatest power trio blew open your mind and blew out your stereo. Now's the chance to put that expanded brain of yours to the test. Without looking to your collection or the internet (both of wich, I'm sure, are equally handy), see if you can answer these ten questions about Rush's album art.

Keep in mind the questions only refer to the original studio albums, not anniversary editions, live recordings, singles, or that one covers album.

Get busy!

1. What Rush album cover does not contain the depiction of an animal?

empty musical staff

2. What Rush album cover does not feature a body of water?

empty musical staff

3. What was the first Rush release not to have the album title printed on the front cover?

empty musical staff

4. On what Rush album cover does the cover designer, Hugh Syme, appear?

empty musical staff

5. On what Rush album cover can you spot an electrical outlet?

empty musical staff

6. On what Rush album cover can you spot someone wearing a pair of Nike sneakers?

empty musical staff

7. On what Rush album cover can you spot a prism?

empty musical staff

8. How many television screens appear on the Power Windows album cover?

empty musical staff

9. How many men in red jump suits appear on the Moving Pictures album cover?

empty musical staff

10. What Rush album cover prominently features an inunnguaq?

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